Thermal Insulation
Thermal insulation reduces the transfer of heat between objects with different temperatures. The most important aspect of an insulation material is its performance – that it consistently provides the designed-for resistance to the passage of heat throughout the lifetime of the building. Though the insulation manufacturer’s published performance expectations will be an essential guide, other factors associated with the ‘real-life’ installation of the material need to be considered as part of the design process:
Acoustic Insulation
Acoustic insulation absorbs, transmits, or redirects sound waves – vibrations in the air that pass through objects and result in audible sound. Noise, or unwanted sounds, is measured in decibels (dBA) and has a specific frequency distribution. In outdoor environments, reflective and damping materials are used in structures such as highway noise barriers.
Sound absorption of a material varies with the frequency of sound. Noise Reduction Coefficient is the mathematical average of absorption coefficient of a material at four frequency bands – 250, 500, 1000, 2000 Hz