Metal Framings are an integral part of the Drywall or Ceiling system and serve as a backbone for them.
A drywall or false ceiling system has a strong spine of GI metal framework with plasterboard as its face. The metal framework gives the system its strength, long life and enhanced performance. Any compromise on the quality of the metal components can lead to permanent system failure.

01.Ceiling Framing System
We offer a comprehensive metal framing system and accessories range to meet the challenges of modern day construction. Our range of metal framing provide basic support, strength and integrity to the false ceilings.

02.Partition Framing System
We provide metal profiles that are produced with an innovative & Patent Applied Serration process which produces a unique serrated pattern across the surface of the material which results into increased surface area, doubled surface thickness, stronger surface due to work hardening and increased load carrying capacity.

03.Grid Framing System
T-Grids help support to achieve desired final look with varied range of sizes, patterns & edge profiles. Post Installation maintenance friendly & Easy Servicing are the key highlights of T-Grids components & the entire Grid Framing System.

Advantages of Galvanised Iron (G.I.) over other Metals
Higher density: Higher strength & Higher screw retention Higher Young’s modulus: better stiffness
Lower the thermal conductivity, Higher melting point ; better fire rating
GI is stiffer and has lower malleability than Al, hence has better screw retention & cyclic loading.
Key Features of G.I. Framing System
Fire Safety
Fire performance of framing system depends upon stability and integrity.
Acoustic Comfort
4 to 5 times more sound proof and aesthetic
Technical Excellence
More stable despite of its self weight, load and impact
Uniqueness and Design
More professional designs by trained workers